Beyond Expectations

This past week I have had the opportunity to work with our students in the south east region of the US. Every year we do an event called TNT@TNU which brings about 2,000 teens to Nashville Tennessee to participate in worship services and competitions that showcase the talents and gifts that God has given them. The theme overall for this event is "From God For God" meaning that we want to take the gifts that we have received from God and use them for God. This event promotes a type of kingdom mindedness that is difficult to find anywhere else. This was my ninth TNT@TNU, three as a high school student and the last six I have spent working the event. Over the past nine years I have developed expectations for what is to happen each year. Most of the time my expectations were met and we called it a success. This year however the event has gone Beyond my expectations. With record attendance, being a part of young people devoting their lives to the ministry, and watching my...