Drive By Blogging (by Jon Allen) Part 1

Today in a university chapel, Dr. Dan Boone promoted his newest book: " A Charitable Discourse ". In the book Dr. Boone includes ways of talking about the tough issues that are dividing the church. Some of the tough subjects that Dr. Boone presents are: Homosexuality, Women Preachers, Drinking, Emergent Church and Science. Now I have been a student at Trevecca Nazarene University since Dr. Dan Boone was appointed as the President. I have developed a great respect for the man and the work he does. This book he promoted today was the same that he promoted at M11 conference where I sat as he took some tough questions from the audience. The same thing happened today as the chaplain opened the forum up to the chapel for questions. Never have I met a man who is able to take the amount of criticism and tough questions with such grace as Dr. Boone. Most of the book " Charitable Discourse " was taken from the once a year tough subject chapel sermons that Dr. Boone has hos...