3 Basic “Sales Methods” For Recruiting New Leaders (by Matt Lawson)

This story comes to us from Pastor Matt Lawson. It was originally posted on his BLOG.

The following is taken from a session on Recruiting and Training Volunteers for student pastors.

Your need for volunteers will always be communicated in one of the following ways:
1 | NEED | Ezekiel 22:30
We communicate it something like this: “Hey, we NEED 9 more leaders for our small groups. If we don’t have leaders, students don’t get led. We need YOU.”
2 | DUTY | 1 Timothy 1:5-7
We communicate it something like this: “Hey Christian, if you’re not serving, you need to find a place in the body of Christ to plug into. It’s your responsibility to get out and get serving. Don’t be a sponge, give back.”
3 | VISION | Luke 5:1-11
We communicate it something like this: “I want to introduce you to Austin. Austin was saved in our ministry recently and has been invested into by some of our adult leaders. He’s leading a bible study on his campus that has grown larger than the campus Christian club. It’s exciting to see what God is doing in Austin’s life. We want to involve more adults in the lives of students just like Austin. Would you consider joining our team?”

Which of the above do you think is most powerful in communicating your need?

That’s right…VISION is a powerful recruiting method. As a new recruiting season is about to roll around, figure out how to cast vision to potential leaders for your team.

I want to say thanks to Matt for allowing us to share his story here. You can find Matt on Twitter at @MattLawson77 or you can visit his Blog at revolutionspeaks.com


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