Normally Nazarene is a Necessity

 So today was my first day of looking for a full time youth ministry spot here in Tennessee. I actually spent most of the day running errands or working at my church to clean up from the Fireside Christmas show we put on last night.Which I might add was great! After all of that was over with I was able to focus on the search. I emailed some people at Nazarene churches around the district asking for some guidance in looking for open spots. When I finished that I still did not feel very productive. I mean where exactly do you start when you want a job in the ministry? I mean maybe I should just write a letter, address it to God in heaven and send it up in the form of a prayer. I was advised however to do some emails and try to get the word out that I was available for a position. I had been doing much thinking the past few weeks on what I thought my ministry should look like. The thing is I've always been a Nazarene as long as I've been a Christian. The problem is that Nazarene churches are likely to be just barely to small to afford a full time youth pastor. If they are large enough they can rarely afford two. The way I want to do ministry however is not solo. Being part of a ministry team appeals to me so much more than having to run my own show without much help. So here is  a funny break in the reading cause I know its hard to read so much at once!
So because I feel that I would do my best work as part of a ministry team for youth, I decided that The United Methodist denomination would be a decent fit as well for me. This doesn't mean I am giving up on my Nazarene roots, it just means that for now I would be willing to accept a job somewhere else. I mean after all teens are teens no matter what denomination they are. They all need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and have someone support them. So having said all of that. So far today here are some of the responses received: 

Jon, I recommend you contact our Nashville District Office of the UM Church ------ ----- is the secretary, ---- ------ is the Superintendent.  I will copy ----- on this reply.
Jon, we just hired a youth leader at ------ UMC...but you might try contacting our Conference Youth Director.  His name is ---- -------, and I have copied him on this email.
I wish you the best,
Jon please give me a call
419 6*** 

Jon, all of our youth ministry positions are filled at this writing but I admire your searching for a position.  May a place of service come to you.

Good to hear from you. Hope your fall semester at TNU went well. At ------ we have a part-time paid youth pastor -------  ----- who graduated from TNU in ----. He is doing a fine job with our youth group. I don't know of any of the Nashville-area Churches of the Nazarene who are presently looking for a youth pastor, but I will keep my ears open and let you know if I talk to any pastors who are interested. Meanwhile, there are several smaller (attendance in the 30 to 75 range) churches that may be happy to have a volunteer youth director/pastor to help with their teenagers. Continue to check around and network to see if you can find any openings. Have a great Christmas and New Year's.

This method of emailing pastors at certain churches seems to work alright for Nazarene Churches but for the Methodists not so much. Tomorrow I plan to try a new strategy and the next day I'll probably try something else until I find a spot to serve God. Now time for updates! My Sister is home! She is doing well and recovering from her surgeries! Thank You for your prayers. If you want to write her a letter and mail it, she could use some encouragement. Her name is Kelli Allen and you can mail her at 513 Oak Timber Pl. Antioch Tn 37013. She is still having to deal with the loss of her eyesight and also they shaved her hair off which for her was a really big deal. As far as my grades for last semester, I did pass all of my classes that I was taking with a C or better which was my goal! Now I just have to come up with like 2500 bucks to pay off Trevecca so I can finish my degree..... Until next time God Bless You!!! -Just Jon


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