A Time Before Cell Phones (by Jason Underwood)

This Youth Story comes to us from Pastor Jason Underwood originally posted on his youth blog

Today I picked up my 7 year old Ashtyn from school. We stopped for an after school snack and as we sat across the table from each other discussing her day and life in general she asked "Dad was there ever a time when there weren't even old cell phones?"

Wow how time flies these days.  Our kids are growing up in an age where they have never known a world without cell phones, cable TV, or the internet. So does it come as any surprise that they that when they want answers from God they want them now? In just a few short days we will be on our annual ski trip. Each year this trip proves to be a time where our students seek God in amazing ways.  This years theme is "Static" the idea is that we live in a world full of "static" or things that are running interference with the voice of God.  We will explore how we can hear God's call and direction on our lives in the midst of the world we live in which is full of "static".
The truth is the "static" of the world has forced students to change the channel, because of the fast paced "drive-through window" world we live in they are looking for answers elsewhere. This Study by lifeway suggests that 70% of students leave the church after high school.
So students please hear this.  We know there is "static" in the world and it comes in all shapes, sizes, and activities but don't change the channel. Check out Philippians 4:6-7.
Philippians 4:6-7
 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
When you see past the "Static" you will see that God's plans for you are there.  There is life beyond twitter, facebook, text messages.
My conversation with Ashtyn went something like this. "Yes Ashtyn there was a time before "old cell phones", I wish you knew what that life was like, where playing sports didn't happen in front of the wii but happened outside and dinner always happened around the dinner table.  Life was different then but there was a lot less distraction, I guess you could say there was a lot less "Static".

I want to thank Jason for allowing us to share his story.
You can find Pastor Jason on twitter  @JasonUnderwood


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