Journal Update

This weekend we held our district extravaganza for sports. I was working table tennis for the weekend, which is pretty standard for me these days because I spent so much time doing it for TNT. Overall it was a very fun weekend. I really missed spending time with the district because I missed out on camp and the convention this year. It is neat to see how the teens are growing up and becoming leaders at their churches. One of the things I am looking forward to now is the Nearly New Years event this December. I got everything planned out and the word has been spread. I have made a few changes to the event this year including adding a new location and forms. It has become an official district event which takes some pressure off of me, but I still want to work hard to make sure it is a success. I have been working three jobs lately and Kari and I are saving up to buy our first house. I am hopeful that we are able to find one in Williamson county that we like but the reality is that we may live on the Nashville side of Nolensville or Brentwood. We have to start paying on Kari's student loans next month and she also has had to pay lots of money to prepare and take her CPA exams. One of the things that I will be doing is updating and promoting my "Five Finger Films" quick movie review blog, which has been generating a decent amount of profit lately. I figure it is good to have as much income as possible while things are going to get tight around here. We are probably going to "Make and Bake" Christmas gifts this year, which is fine because one of my new passions is cooking and Kari loves to make people sweet things! The youth ministry is good now but the church seems to be declining in numbers lately. I sure hope that doesn't continue. We just had our fall festival in which we did a pumpkin carving contest as well as a costume contest, and I never win! Kari did a very good job with her pumpkin and how about this, We both carved kittens into our pumpkins without knowing it. Our cats Red and Blue are doing great. I think Red may even be losing a bit of weight, he was so fat! I am scaling back a bit from my Ultima Online company, at least I am trying to cut costs while still maintaining a decent revenue from it. With this new video game that I have been playing lately there presents a new opportunity to earn revenue as a professional gamer, but it will require me to get a better computer. The whole system of pro gaming seems to be shifting from selling products to streaming competitive play. I don't know if I am good enough to "go pro" but I certainly see a way to make a buck and if you know me you know I will try it :) Well, that's about it for now. I will update again during the Christmas season, I may add some pictures of the delicious stuff that Kari and I make people! Until Next Time -Just Jon

Oh P.S. the picture is of our first fire in the apartment and our Kitten's first fire ever! That was fun....


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