Our Time at Franklin Community

Last month we had our last day at Franklin Community of Faith Church of the Nazarene. I wanted to use this blog to throw up some pics and videos so that we will never forget our time at this awesome church with these amazing teens!

It truly has been a blessing for Kari and I to have been a part of what God has done in the two and a half years at Franklin. We have moved on to a new church but we will never forget!!! I will always love my former students from Franklin Nazarene. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!
Our Inter-generational Service... So Much Fun having Teens-Old Folk all worshiping together.
Our Trip To Laser Quest
Worship On Our Last Retreat Together
Fun Times @ Fall Creek Falls
Our Lock-In
Jeffery, Ashley, Megan, Marisa and Taylor at Church

Our Broken Series.... We Did This
Van Ride... We had a blast.
Wednesday Night Challenge
Kari, Taylor and Megan Flamingoing
Megan, Taylor, Ashley and Marisa Flamingo
Halloween at Chelli's

The Garden Series.... To The Garden, the Garden!!

Mummy Game, Either Lex or Taylor
Nashville Shores
Savannah and Rachel @ our First Lockin

Rachel and Hunter gave their hearts to Jesus on this trip. Rachel came back and was baptized. Ally shared how God had redeemed her from a terrible past. Bridget began to open up and Savannah said God changed her life on that trip. It was a special trip.
The Jellyfishing Game
Another Fall Festival At Chelli's
Slip N Slide and Paint War Day
Taylor at TNT
Painting Our Epic Wall
Bridget having fun
Fruit Ninja!

Our Teens Became the Leaders In The Church and Lead Worship Every Wednesday Night! It Was Amazing! God Is Good!


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